British Film Comedy: The 60s [DVD]

Release Date: 29 October 2018
Certificate: Parental Guidance

RRP £12.99

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BOTTOMS UP! Chiselbury School, according to the prospectus, is an academy 'for the sons of gentlefolk'. Regardless of what the prospectus says, however, the boys are very far from being gentlemen; they are an undisciplined rabble! Starring JIMMY EDWARDS, ARTHUR HOWARD, MARTITA HUNT, SYDNEY TAFLER and RAYMOND HUNTLEY 1960 | 1.66:1 | Black and White | Mono | English | 84 mins | Cert U DON'T BOTHER TO KNOCK Bill Ferguson's troubles begin when he gives a house key to each of the glamorous girls he meets on a continental holiday all of whom turn up at his flat just as he is about to marry his British fiancée! Starring RICHARD TODD, NICOLE MAUREY, ELKE SOMMER, JOHN LE MESURIER and RONALD FRASER 1961 | 2.35:1 | Colour | Mono | English | 86 mins | Cert PG SHE'LL HAVE TO GO When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money either by murder... or marriage! Starring BOB MONKHOUSE, ALFRED MARKS, HATTIE JACQUES, ANNA KARINA and CLIVE DUNN 1961 | 1.66:1 | Black and White | Mono | English | 86 mins | Cert PG THE IRON MAIDEN Aviation designer Jack Hopkins' greatest passion is an old showman's traction engine called The Iron Maiden. Jack has his heart set on entering the prestigious Annual Steam Rally at Woburn Abbey, but hadn't reckoned on some fierce and devious opposition! Starring MICHAEL CRAIG, ANNE HELM, JEFF DONNELL, ALAN HALE and NOEL PURCELL 1962 | 1.66:1 | Colour | Mono | English | 94 mins | Cert U

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SKU: 7954958