Children of the Damned [Blu-ray] [1964]

Release Date: 9 October 2023
Certificate: Suitable for 12 years and over

RRP £20.99

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Product Details

Six gifted children are found to pose a threat to the world in this chilling horror story from the makers of Village of the Damned. The children, who all live in England but are from different parts of the world, are normal in all respects expect that they are geniuses with acute psychic powers. They have more in common than their IQs, however. None of them have fathers, and no one seems to know where they came from. When a psychologist (Ian Hendry of TV's The Avengers) attempts to find out more, he unlocks a mystery that could lead to the destruction of the universe.

Special Features

Commentary by Screenwriter John Briley
Theatrical Trailer

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SKU: 1000828012