Customer Product Reviews

Reviewer: hrywlms
Reviews Written: 1

Dark Souls Trilogy (PS4) - £31.85

Amazing collection + DLC all on one platform, but there's a catch...

I have not played since DS1 released on the PS3 back in 2011... It's incredible to finally have all of these games plus their DLC in one set on one platform here in the UK. Base easily had the best price for this and it's fantastic value if you're interested in this series at all, but even more so if you've not got any of them on PS4!

HOWEVER, if you collect games and/or care about boxes/cases, this release is NOT the same as the US + Asia release which came first. That release comes with all 3 games/discs in a nice steelbook case that doesn't take up much space and reinforces the feeling of quality these games are known for.

This UK release includes each game in a separate PS4 game case, held together with a cardboard sleeve. Each case then is PLASTERED with large age ratings logos for several European countries, India, and Russia.

I'm happy to have all three of these games, but had I known about the boxes (which isn't mentioned on at all, thus leaving you to assume there are no differences) I would have just purchased the US version. Hope this helps out other collectors.