I Drink Your Blood

Release Date: 10 July 2017
Certificate: Suitable for 18 years and over

RRP £9.99

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Product Details

Ask anyone to imagine what the heyday of New York's notorious 42nd Street was like and, chances are, they will mention the sort of weird, wonderful and downright wacky underground movies that played all across the block. But even the most hardened of grindhouse movie buff would find it difficult to anticipate the excess and insanity of I DRINK YOUR BLOOD - released in 1970 to the sound of censors having mild attacks all across the globe! Following in the footsteps of Herschell Gordon Lewis and George Romero with its graphic gore - and anticipating the later likes of BASKET CASE and THE EVIL DEAD with its 'anything goes' splatter-comedy bad taste sensibility, I DRINK YOUR BLOOD spins a surreal story of rabid hippies - foaming at the mouth and dolled-up like rejects from the Mason Family. Fast paced, spirited, stupidly over-the-top and featuring a memorable thespian turn from classic Scream Queen Lynn Lowry (THE CRAZIES/ SHIVERS), the relentlessly entertaining I DRINK YOUR BLOOD has been unseen in the UK since the days of VHS but arrived, remastered and uncut.

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SKU: 88FD204