Invasion [Blu-ray]

Release Date: 31 August 2020
Certificate: Parental Guidance

RRP £17.99

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Product Details

Based on a story by Doctor Who legend Robert Holmes, Public Eye creator Roger Marshall scripts this cult sci-fi thriller from Merton Park studios. Starring Edward Judd memorably powerful in The Day the Earth Caught Fire actor/writer Lyndon Brook and cult actress and cabaret artiste Yoko Tani, this immensely popular '60s drama is featured here as a brand-new High Definition transfer from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio. Routine tests on a traffic accident victim lead to shocking discoveries when the man's blood is found to be unidentifiable and x-rays reveal a disc embedded in his brain. His fabulous tale of being an escaped prisoner from an alien spaceship takes a turn for the sinister when the hospital staff realise that they're under a state of siege!

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SKU: 7958274