Lola Montes (1955) (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Release Date: 11 May 2020
Certificate: Parental Guidance

RRP £28.99

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Product Details

Martine Carol stars as notorious 19th century Mexican circus performer Lola Montes, who in her heyday counted among her lovers the crowned heads of France, Italy, Poland, and Russia. The film dwells upon Lolas' extended affairs with King Ludwig of Bavaria (Anton Walbrook) and composer Franz Liszt (Will Quadflieg). We learn of these various amours in flashback form, for the film is framed by a prologue and epilogue in a tawdry New Orleans circus, where an old and faded Lola is exploited by a slimy nickel-and-dime ringmaster.

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SKU: EA9685633