Sick of It Series 2

Release Date: 24 February 2020
Certificate: Suitable for 15 years and over

RRP £19.99

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Product Details

Karl and his grumpy alter ego return in the acclaimed tragi-comedy about a middle aged man haunted by the voice in his head. Surreal, joyful, poignant, and peppered with Karl’s trademark wit and comic philosophising, series 2 plunges us deeper into the world of the lovable loser as he lurches from one existential crisis to another. When Karl’s elderly Aunt Norma hires a sparky young care worker to replace him as her caregiver, Karl begins a mission to make more of himself. His hapless attempts at self-improvement are soon derailed while what began as outright hostility towards Norma’s new carer blossoms into an unlikely attraction. With everything else falling apart in Karl’s world, will they get it together? Or will Karl and his alter ego manage to sabotage his life once again?

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SKU: 2EDVD0975