The House Across the Lake (1954)

Release Date: 18 August 2014
Certificate: Parental Guidance

RRP £9.99

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Product Details

American screen siren Hillary Brooke is a consummate femme fatale in this British noir thriller of 1954 an early feature by Emmy-winning writer-director Ken Hughes (adapting his own novel, High Wray), and one of a series of now highly regarded B-movies jointly financed by Hammer Films and American producer Robert L. Lippert. Co-starring Alan Wheatley soon to feature in an enduring TV role as the Sheriff of Nottingham in The Adventures of Robin Hood and a pre-Carry On Sid James, The House Across the Lake (a.k.a. Heat Wave) is presented in a brand new transfer from original film elements in its original aspect ratio.

The bungalow which author Mark Kenrick has rented to toil over his new novel is quiet but for the sounds coming from a lively party across the lake at the exclusive home of Beverley Forrest and his young ex-model wife, Carol. When she calls Mark to ask if he would collect some stranded guests, he obliges but is shocked to find that Carol is both calculating and manipulative... and he is about to find out just how far she is prepared to go in order to get what she wants!

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SKU: 7954166