Customer Product Reviews

Reviewer: Chollster
Reviews Written: 2

Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) - £14.39

A glowing blue gem!

Why can't Sega make more games like this? Really, I bought this not reading what it was about, only because people were raving about it -- and they are totally right!! This role-playing war and turn-based with real-time elements strategy game (it will get you thinking!) is so addictive and you'll love all the characters in the barracks. I won't be letting my copy of this go because it's a story you'll want to come back to again and again. Good graphics, great music, if only they made the sequels on PS3 rather than PSP!

Eternal Sonata (PS3) - £19.69

This will hold an eternal spot in your games collection!

Seriously, this game is just so beautifully produced: the graphics are gorgeous, the characters are great, longevity is probably a bit above average, a fun, turn-based, role-playing game where the music will be stuck in your head and you won't mind it being there!

Be sure to do the trading chain (1st and 2nd playthrough), EZI Church, Mysterious Unison and defeat that Captain Dolce all four times!